
Hey Folks,

I’ve included a very brief Topic today again. This one is “Nifty Rewards.” I’ll also be posting this in the big blog over on

Okay, the adjustments I made earlier today didn’t work on the MailChimp front. I just went back and tweaked it some more. We’ll see how it comes out. Remember you can always just go to the site to read it if it doesn’t come out right in your email. I’ll lead off tomorrow’s post with this too.

Of Interest

Watch for chapters of Writing the Character-Driven Story to start appearing soon over on

Topic: Nifty Rewards

It dawned on me awhile back that I have some pretty good stuff out there, and more to offer for those who want it.

I’m also grateful for those who have been following me for awhile. I know many of them buy my books when they come out. Others buy my nonfiction books or attend my online audio lectures.

So as a way of giving something back, I came up with a system of donations to rewards. Basically, instead of buying my products from Amazon or Smaswords or whomever, you can get them directly from me on a kind of subscription basis.

Here’s how it works:

Monthly donation

$6 or more

$12 or more

$18 or more
$24 or more

$30 or more

Reward (ebooks only, in your preferred version)

every short story as it comes off the press, plus every short-story collection as it comes off the press (I’m writing at least one story per week this year)
all of the above plus every novel as it comes off the press (my goal is to write one novel per month this year)
all of the above plus every nonfiction book as it comes off the press.
all of the above plus every nonfiction book I’ve already written (at a rate of one per month).
everything — all of the above PLUS your choice of one Audio Lecture every month.