Flash Short Story Contest Continues

In today’s Journal * Correction * A final reminder— * Flash Contest Continues * Of Interest * The Numbers Correction Turns out George Kordonis HAD sent me the story info for this week, and I apparently missed it. He forward the email to me. So he’s officially still in the Challenge: George Kordonis, “The Vault in the Other Room 1025 Horror Thanks, George, and my apologies for not finding your original email yesterday. A final reminder— Today is the last day for the sale on Writing Better Fiction. Click the link to get your copy for only $9. Tomorrow, May … Read more

WITD Is Not the Only Way

In today’s Journal * Quote of the Day * The Bradbury Challenge Writers Reporting * WITD Is Not the Only Way * Of Interest * The Numbers Quote of the Day “The really great writers are people like Emily Brontë who sit in a room and write out of their limited experience and unlimited imagination.” James A. Michener Just a reminder— I’ll run this reminder from now through April 30 to be sure everyone has the opportunity to read it. Writing Better Fiction is still on sale for only $9 for all eformats, including printable PDF. On May 1, the … Read more

The Right Equipment, and Writing Past the End

In today’s Journal * Note * The Right Equipment * Writing Past the End * Of Interest * The Numbers Note Yesterday I was running on too little sleep, so I didn’t write anything new for the Journal. So today I offer up two more partial “old posts” I’d written sometime along the way. I thought I’d posted them before, but in a cursory search of the Journal, I found nothing. You will see them below. Just a reminder—I’ll run this from now through April 30 to be sure everyone has the opportunity to read it. Writing Better Fiction is … Read more

Books! and What Is a Short Story?

In today’s Journal * Bradbury Challenge Reminder * A New Short Story * What Is a Short Story? * Six Mystery Novels in One! * Of Interest * The Numbers Just a reminder—I’ll run this from now through April 30 to be sure everyone has the opportunity to read it. Writing Better Fiction is still on sale for only $9 for all eformats, including printable PDF. On May 1, the price will increase to $14. You can also still order a binder-ready paper copy from me for $25 (includes shipping). Simply email memailto:harveystanbrough@gmail.com with your request. Bradbury Challenge Reminder Today … Read more

On Cycling Through a Full Novel

In today’s Journal * The Novel * On Cycling Through a Full Novel * Of Interest * The Numbers Just a reminder—I’ll run this from now through April 30 to be sure everyone has the opportunity to read it. Writing Better Fiction is still on sale for only $9 for all eformats, including printable PDF. On May 1, the price will increase to $14. You can also still order a binder-ready paper copy from me for $25 (includes shipping). Simply email memailto:harveystanbrough@gmail.com with your request. The Novel I can’t begin to tell you how much fun I’m having writing the … Read more

Series Ideas

In today’s Journal * Flash Contest Clarification * Book Sale * Ideas * Of Interest * The Numbers Just a friendly reminder— Writing Better Fiction is still on sale for only $9 for all eformats, including printable PDF. On May 1, the price will increase to $14. You can also still order a binder-ready paper copy from me for $25 (includes shipping). Simply email memailto:harveystanbrough@gmail.com with your request. Flash Contest Clarification Please read the Flash Contest! post carefully. Then, if you still have any questions, please email me at harveystanbrough@gmail.com. The contest is open to all genres across the board. … Read more

Flash Contest!

In today’s Journal * Flash Contest! * Of Interest * The Numbers Flash Contest! It’s been a long time since StoneThread Publishing held a contest and published an anthology. But a timely comment from a writer and Journal reader made me realize it’s time. If this contest works out well, I probably will host similar contests in the future. Maybe for more short stories or for openings of novels or whatever. I’m actually excited about this. In her comment, Emilia wrote (excerpted) “I used to read other peoples stories and give feedback, but I stopped because it made my critical … Read more

A Story About a Trunk Novelist Turned Editor

In today’s Journal * Quote of the Day * A Story About a Trunk Novelist Turned Editor * Of Interest * The Numbers Quote of the Day “Like an exciting roller coaster ride, the need to know what’s coming next in a story creates anxiety and a certain amount of fear. Or, you know, exhiliration. Exactly the same thing. I guess it all depends on how you look at it.” Harvey Stanbrough A Story About a Trunk Novelist Turned Editor Once upon a time in a comment on an article titled “Read, Write, Suffer” (certainly not my article but one … Read more

Bradbury Challenge, and a Note to a Writer

In today’s Journal * Quote of the Day * The Bradbury Challenge Writers Reporting * Live from the Hovel: Inspiration from Artwork * A Note to a Writer * Of Interest * The Numbers Quote of the Day “In our modern world, we call writers who spend a lot of time producing new words ‘fast’ writers. But fast has nothing to do with it. Just a work ethic and a love of stories.” Dean Wesley Smith (See Of Interest) Live from the Hovel: Inspiration from Artwork I went live yesterday on YouTube for about 20 minutes. If you want to, … Read more

A New Book, and a Trick Question

In today’s Journal * Quotes of the Day * Bradbury Challenge Reminder * I Was Reminded Yesterday * A Trick Question * Of Interest * The Numbers Quotes of the Day “Not at all sure why this idea of writing at Pulp Speed sort of hits me right. I think because it flies in the face of all the myths.” Dean Wesley Smith (see Of Interest) “Talking about snowflake method (you mentioned it about 2 years ago) I would say that it doesn’t work even for the author of it. Looks like the last fiction from this author was published … Read more