The Final Issue, and Throw-Away Words

In today’s Journal * This is the final issue * Throw-Away and Lazy Words * The Novel * Of Interest * The Numbers This is the final issue of the old Daily Journal. After today, free subscribers will receive the Journal only occasionally. To continue receiving The New Daily Journal every day, please subscribe now with either a recurring donation of $3 per month or at least $36 per year. In doing so, each subscriber is paying me 5 cents per hour to keep the Journal coming. This price will remain valid through June 30. Effective July 1, the price … Read more

On Prejudice and Bigotry in Fiction

In today’s Journal * On Prejudice and Bigotry in Fiction * Please Remember * Of Interest * The Numbers On Prejudice and Bigotry in Fiction This is another post I wanted to put out before I switch over to The New Daily Journal on June 1. I’m sure we each have our own thoughts on this topic. What follows are mine. A lot has been said about sensitivity readers. In my opinion, that’s all BS, primarily because they cast a wide, all-encompassing net. They look for words, not context or meaning. I’m my own sensitivity reader. I allow my characters … Read more

My Name Ain’t Nobody

In today’s Journal * Quote of the Day * Only Three Days Left * My Name Ain’t Nobody (guest post) * Of Interest * The Numbers Quote of the Day “Thus far I’ve doubled my royalties since last year. And it’s all because I made a plan and stuck with it. ” Vin Zandri (see Of Interest) Only Three Days Left before I switch over to The New Daily Journal. Those who choose to remain free subscribers after May 31st will still receive the Journal, but only occasionally. To make the switch with me and receive every post after May … Read more

But What About Fun? And the Wrap-Up

In today’s Journal * But What About Fun? * Post 5: The Wrap-Up on Heinlein’s Rules * Of Interest * The Numbers But What About Fun? A friend brought a truism home to me in an email when he wrote that he’s enjoying the Heinlein’s Rules posts but that he’s also still trying to convince himself that writing is more fun than his favorite distractions. That’s something I tend to forget sometimes about other writers. See, for me, writing fiction IS my favorite distraction. I can’t imagine doing anything that’s more fun than discovering my characters’ stories as they live … Read more

What About Rewriting? Post 4 on Heinlein’s Rules

In today’s Journal * Bradbury Challenge Writers’ Report * Two-Fer Sale Extended * What About Rewriting? Post 4 on Heinlein’s Rules * Of Interest * The Numbers No fiction writing on Memorial Day (yesterday). I enjoyed the Indy 500 (go fast, turn left) and other things. Bradbury Challenge Writers’ Report During the past week, in addition to whatever other fiction they’re writing, the following writers reported their progress: Short Fiction George Kordonis “Modern Dating Scene” 2788 Drama Adam Kozak “Moon Phoenix” 1464 Science Fiction Two-Fer Sale Extended If you buy a copy of any book in the Blackwell Ops (thriller), … Read more

What If My Story Stinks? (Post 3 on Heinlein’s Rules)

In today’s Journal * Two-Fer Sale Extended * What If My Story Stinks? (Post 3 on Heinlein’s Rules) * Of Interest * The Numbers Two-Fer Sale Extended If you buy a copy of any book in the Blackwell Ops (thriller), Wes Crowley (western), or Journey Home (SF) series through StoneThread Publishing, I’ll send a second novel in that series free of charge. Simply visit the link above, click on the series you want to explore, then click on any book cover on that page to visit the store. I’ve also decided to add Jonah Peach and the sequel, When the … Read more

Post 2 on Heinlein’s Rules

In today’s Journal * New Story * Bradbury Challenge Reminder * Post 2 on Heinlein’s Rules * Of Interest * The Numbers A New Short Story “but babies are just so cute!” went live yesterday on my Stanbrough Writes Substack. Go check it out. If you enjoy it, tell Everyone. If you don’t, shhh! (grin) Bradbury Challenge Reminder Today is Saturday. You who are in or want to join the challenge, please be sure to get your story info in to me before the Journal goes live on Monday. Post 2 on Heinlein’s Rules More introductory stuff today, with some … Read more

Heinlein’s Rules: A Series

In today’s Journal * Playing It By Ear * Only a Week Left * Heinlein’s Rules: A Series * Of Interest * The Numbers Playing It By Ear I’m playing it by ear here, folks, and I’m a one-man operation. If there’s anything you’d like to see me talk about in the Journal, remember that your ideas are always welcome. And as I said earlier, I’m not a moving target. You can leave a comment, or you can email me directly at harveystanbrough[at] Only a Week Left before I switch over to The New Daily Journal. Those who choose to … Read more

A(nother) New Novel

In today’s Journal * A Weird Thing * A(nother) New Novel * Of Interest * The Numbers A Weird Thing I received a TalkWalker Alert for my name awhile back. It revealed my books are for sale through Saxo, advertised as the largest Danish book distributor. I never knew. Did any of you know about Saxo? To see the shop, click here. Interesting. You can set up your own alerts via I have alerts set for my name as well as for StoneThread Publishing and a couple of others. Sometimes they come in handy. A(nother) New Novel Yesterday morning … Read more

About My Openings Critiques

In today’s Journal * About My Openings Critiques * Writing Better Fiction * Of Interest * The Numbers About My Openings Critiques As a few brave writers have learned, I respect serious writers far too much to pull a punch that needs to be thrown. That said, I do try to wrap the critique in kid gloves as much as I can. I’m always appreciative when a writer takes my sometimes seemingly harsh critique as I intended. The lessons I provide on openings—which are only enhanced by the fact that they’re delivered on your own work—will probably cut months or … Read more