Critiques, Copyedits, Subscriptions, and More

In today’s Journal * An Endorsement *Critiques *Copyediting * Tomorrow * A Note to Non-Subscribers * An Expansion on the Use of Parens and Em Dashes * No Writing Again * The Numbers An Endorsement Now that the smoke has cleared from my mini-vacation, I thought I’d trot out a few reminders here. Awhile back, Peter Armstrong, an excellent storyteller who needed a little help translating the story to the page, left the following excerpted comment on a TNDJ post regarding an opening critique and then eventual copyedit I did for him: “Doubt Harvey’s words at your own risk. I … Read more

Smiling Sharks

In today’s Journal * Still Playing Catch-Up * Smiling Sharks (guest post) * Of Interest * The Numbers Still Playing Catch-Up I didn’t write on the novel at all the day before yesterday because I was recovering from remembering that I’m actually 71 years old after pretending for a few days I was 26. (grin) And I didn’t write on the novel at all yesterday (Monday) because I’m dealing with fallout from having lost my cell phone during the trip. My son drove about three hours back and then forward again to check the two possible places where I might … Read more

About the Bradbury Challenge

In today’s Journal * The Bradbury Challenge Writers Reporting * About the Bradbury Challenge * A Finger-Wagging Admin Note * Of Interest * The Numbers The Bradbury Challenge Writers Reporting To take part, write at least one short story per week, then submit the story title, word count, and genre to me each week for publication in the Journal on Monday. The whole point is to have fun and grow as a writer. You can join or rejoin the challenge at any time. There’s no cost. You can even do it on your own, without reporting numbers to me or … Read more

It’s Great to Be Back

In today’s Journal * Thank You * A New Short Story * It’s Great to Be Back * Of Interest * The Numbers Thank You A heartfelt thank you to my guest contributors who filled in for me while I was gone. And to all of those who commented on those posts. A New Short Story “Giacomo, 2080” went live a few days ago on my Stanbrough Writes Substack. Go check it out. If you enjoy it, tell Everyone. If you don’t, shhh! (grin) It’s Great to Be Back First, Happy 40th Anniversary to my bride, Mona, on this day. … Read more