How To Sell Your Next Book

In today’s Journal * The Bradbury Challenge Writers Reporting * When the Owl Calls * How To Sell Your Next Book * Of Interest * The Numbers The Bradbury Challenge Writers Reporting During the past week, in addition to whatever other fiction they’re writing, the following writers reported these new stories: Vanessa V. Kilmer “Love Under the Cold Moon” 14,177 Historical Romance George Kordonis “The Black Bird” 2230 Urban Fantasy Adam Kozak “Love on the Run” 2049 Thriller When the Owl Calls Probably the best mainstream, psychological suspense, non-series book I’ve ever written went live everywhere this morning. On discount … Read more

On Believing in Yourself

In today’s Journal * Prelude to a Co-Authored Post * On Believing in Yourself * Of Interest (nothing) * The Numbers Prelude to a Co-Authored Post I admit, I’ve been WITD so long (and it makes so much sense to me) that I honestly don’t understand when other writers don’t get it. Or why some are so strongly opposed to even the notion that it might work despite their—hmm, reluctance? No. Reluctance isn’t a strong-enough word. Refusal. No, staunch refusal. That’s it— Despite their outright, adamant, arms-crossed, feet firmly planted, frowning, Staunch Refusal to even try it. And despite the … Read more