In today’s Journal
* Quote of the Day
* Finally a Great Writing Day
* Of Interest
* The Numbers
Quote of the Day
“Writers, we are so flipping weird.” Dean Wesley Smith
Finally a Great Writing Day
After a few days layoff while I was dealing with some medical issues, I had a great day of writing on yesterday. For the first time on this novel, I cleared 3000 words. Barely, but I cleared it.
Then some interruptions occurred. Today I have an appointment with my heart guy (the plumber, not the electrician) in the early afternoon. I wrote a little this morning, but I found myself unable to concentrate very well. So I figured I’d put out this slightly late edition of the Journal and call it a day.
The appointment is routine, so nothing serious, but I’m working through a few almost superficial issues that I have to discuss with the guy.
And then tomorrow we’re off to an estate sale that looks particularly promising, and Monday (if I remember correctly) I have another doc appointment, this time with my primary care guy.
So I wrote well yesterday, wrote very little today and will probably not write at all tomorrow. When I’m able to settle in and go back to the story (probably Saturday) I’ll try to get the flow going again.
If the writing starts to flow again like I believe it will, I’ll go ahead and try the Kindle Vella thing. I have 12 chapters finished, each hovering around 1000 words. From what I’ve read that’s a good length to upload to Vella.
Once I start, I’ll probably upload one chapter per day. I might adjust that once I see what’s involved. But I probably won’t upload more than one per day, at least not until I’m nearing the end of the story.
Once I start, I don’t want to skip any days either. Maybe I can use Vella to help me get my mojo back. I hope the writing’s going well for all of you too.
Talk with you again soon.
Of Interest
See “Weird Feeling” at Funny but true.
The Numbers
The Journal……………………………… 350
Writing of Blackwell Ops 9: Cameron Stance
Brought forward………………………… 4087
Day 1…… 1595 words. To date…… 5682
Day 2…… 2101 words. To date…… 7783
Day 3…… 2573 words. To date…… 10356
Day 4…… 1588 words. To date…… 11944
Day 5…… 2135 words. To date…… 14079
Day 6…… 2019 words. To date…… 16098
Day 7…… 3067 words. To date…… 19165
Fiction for August……………………… 25681
Fiction for 2023………………………… 140228
Fiction since August 1………………… 25681
Nonfiction for August…………………… 20100
Nonfiction for the year……………… 170000
Annual consumable words………… 306811
2023 Novels to Date……………………… 2
2023 Novellas to Date…………………… 0
2023 Short Stories to Date……………… 4
Novels (since Oct 19, 2014)…………… 73
Novellas (since Nov 1, 2015)…………… 9
Short stories (since Apr 15, 2014)… 232
Short story collections…………………… 31
Disclaimer: I am a prolific professional fiction writer. On this blog I teach Writing Into the Dark and adherence to Heinlein’s Rules. Unreasoning fear and the myths of writing will slow your progress as a writer or stop you cold. I will never teach the myths on this blog.