The Journal: A New Bundle

In today’s Journal * Quote of the Day * Talkwalker Alerts * Yesterday and Today * Of Interest * The Numbers Quote of the Day “Never try to outstubborn a cat.” Robert A. Heinlein (via his character, Lazarus Long) Wow. Yet again, I’m very glad I use Talkwalker Alerts. Otherwise I might never have known my work is now included in another bundle. BLOOD ON THE COBBLES includes work from several really good writers, including Rob Jeschonik, Russ Crossley and Kristine Kathryn Rusch. My novel Body Language is included. Fifteen tales of mystery and mayhem for $7.99. To check it … Read more

The Daily Journal, Wednesday, May 22

In today’s Journal * Subscriptions to the Journal * In light of that * Topic: How to Quiet the Critical Voice (Chapter 4) * Daily diary * Of Interest * The numbers Subscriptions to the Journal might be changing soon. The thing is, I’m not some big marketing master. I’m just a writer who wants to share my experiences with other writers. Via Linda Mae Adams, see David Gaughran’s “Time To Ditch Mailchimp?” at I’ve been aware of this for a week or so and have read MailChimp’s new Terms of Use. If you don’t personally use MailChimp, no … Read more

The Journal, Tuesday, 8/29

Hey Folks, In the interest of “fair and balanced reporting,” via The Digital Reader check out David Gaughran’s “The Visibility Gambit” at Spoiler Alert: This is in favor of going with Amazon KDP Select, but be sure to read the comments too. Hey, whatever works for you. To learn more about KDP Select (this feeds Kindle Unlimited) and determine whether it’s right for you, visit Be sure to also read and then click the link for KDP Terms and Conditions and read that. I decided today to take a chance, though really it isn’t much of a … Read more

The Journal, Friday, 6/30

Hey Folks, Yay! The last day of what turned out to be a major transition month for me. At least as far as life and websites go. This morning I realized there’s a glitch in my challenge plans. The challenge is to write a short story every day “in public,” meaning I’ll post it scene by scene over at But sometimes a story grows into a novel. I usually recognize a budding novel at around the two-thirds point of a story. Last month, in only 8 stories, two also wanted to be novels. That made me wonder, for a … Read more