The Journal: Reader Taste—The Final Take

In today’s Journal * Quotes of the Day * Topic: Reader Taste—The Final Take * Of Interest * The Numbers Quotes of the Day “[T]he big money, I think, for long term is probably in self publishing.” New York Times bestselling author Kat Martin “I think after Christmas would be better for publication: I am hardly a Christmas present.” Oscar Wilde Topic: Reader Taste—The Final Take (and a question for you) In an email regarding my recent post on reader taste vs. writer skill, my young friend wrote, “… what if one reader doesn’t like a book but another reader … Read more

The Journal: Reader Taste?

In today’s Journal * Quotes of the Day * Posts about Christmas * Topic: Reader Taste? I Don’t Think So * Of Interest * The Numbers Quotes of the Day “It’s very important to know what you don’t like. A big part of innovation is saying, ‘You know what I’m really sick of?’ … ‘What am I really sick of?’ is where innovation begins.” Jerry Seinfeld “You don’t question your standards based on what anyone else is doing. You don’t look over at someone else’s race and think, I’m doing a bad job because you’re going faster. You just focus … Read more