In today’s Journal
* Quotes of the Day
* Day Two
* If You Enjoy WMG Workshops
* Day Three
* Publishing Stuff
* Of Interest
* The Numbers
Quotes of the Day
“When the uncreative tell the creative what to do, it stops being art.” Tony Bennet
“I know writers who write with fear and thus write dull and writers who have managed to get past the fear and write amazing stuff.” Dean Wesley Smith
Day Two
Well, yesterday was such a mess right from the beginning that I finally gave up and marked it off as a loss. I won’t bore you with details. It was just a continually frustrating, constantly annoying day. If I’d slept all day I wouldn’t have missed anything.
I envy those who are able to relax and watch life go by, occasionally participating, often only observing, and sometimes not even noticing.
I’ve had an elevated sense of urgency since I was young. When a full day slouches past and I have nothing to show for it, I’m excruciatingly aware of the seconds ticking off, never to be reclaimed.
If You Enjoy WMG Workshops
you don’t have much time. Then again, you probably visited Dean’s site yesterday. If not, here’s the scoop:
The current WMG Kickstarter ends at 7 p.m. on Thursday (so tonight) in case you want to check it out. I haven’t looked at this one, but Dean usually offers a lot of neat-nifties for writers.
Day Three
I don’t know what my “normal” schedule will look like by the time I’m fully back, but this morning I rolled out early again. I was in the Hovel before 3, then checked the internet and wrote this much of the Journal entry by 4.
As it turned out, I had an off and on day today. I ended up with just over 1800 words on the day, but I’ll take it.
Publishing Stuff
I might have a new idea or two for you soon regarding an economical way to publish to paper. I’m looking into a new idea. Well, revisiting an old idea. I’ll test it thoroughly to be sure it works before I share it with you.
For now my primary focus remains on getting back up to speed with my writing, but if this other thing works out it should be really exciting.
Talk with you again soon.
Of Interest
See “How to Read a Book” at Yeah, I know. But this is actually a pretty good article.
See “Another Example (Niche Marketing Part 7)” at
The Numbers
The Journal…………………………………… 400
Writing of “A Midnight Sketch”
Day 1…… 1341 words. Total words to date…… 1341
Day 2…… 1823 words. Total words to date…… 3164
Writing of “Untitled Stern Talbot Mystery”
Day 1…… 190 words. Total words to date…… 190
Writing of Rose Padilla (WCG10SF5)
Day 1…… 4283 words. Total words to date…… 4283
Day 2…… 3963 words. Total words to date…… 8246
Day 3…… 1463 words. Total words to date…… 9709
Day 4…… 2445 words. Total words to date……12154
Total fiction words for August……… 4360
Total fiction words for 2023………… 118907
Total nonfiction words for August… 1110
Total nonfiction words for the year…… 151010
Total words for the year (fiction and nonfiction)…… 269917
Calendar Year 2023 Novels to Date…………………… 2
Calendar Year 2023 Novellas to Date……………… 0
Calendar Year 2023 Short Stories to Date………… 4
Novels (since Oct 19, 2014)………………………………… 73
Novellas (since Nov 1, 2015)………………………………… 9
Short stories (since Apr 15, 2014)……………………… 221
Short story collections…………………………………………. 31
Disclaimer: I am a prolific professional fiction writer. On this blog I teach Writing Into the Dark, adherence to Heinlein’s Rules, and that following the myths of fiction writing will slow your progress as a writer or stop you cold. I will never teach the myths on this blog.