Hey Folks,
Well, here we go again. I was out in the Hovel poking around and found another short story that I’ve wanted, for awhile, to turn into a novel. The short story is titled “Going Back,” and it was considerably larger than itself even when I first wrote it. I’m interested to see where it will go and to watch it develop.
As I glanced over it, the characters begain speaking to me and my fingers began moving over the keyboard. Before I realized it I’d added over 1000 new words. Feels good when that happens.
I’ll be interrupted in the writing of this WIP by a trip to New Mexico to attend a second memorial service in less than 30 days. But I plan to take my writing ‘puter with me so it’s available if I find time to write. I feel like I’m slowly returning to normal at least as a writer.
Still digging out from under the flu, the last vestiges of which seem to have settled in as a chest cold. That’s okay. I can deal with that. Thanks for your ongoing kind wishes and support.
Once the life rolls settle down a bit and I work back into more of a routine with my writing again, I hope to begin publishing this Journal every day again. It’s a habit that I’ll have to re-develop.
Actually, I have to prep for the trip, so no more writing today. Back in a day or two or three.
See you then.
Of Interest
See “Indie Publishing: The Good Stuff (2017 in Review)” at https://kriswrites.com/2018/01/31/business-musings-indie-publishing-the-good-stuff-2017-in-review/. Toward the end of the article, she lists “gamechangers,” programs etc. that changed the indie publishing experience for the better. I recommend it.
Over at the Killzone Blog the various writers there have been posting “first page critiques” recently. I seldom read them and I don’t report on them specifically here, but you might want to check it out at https://killzoneblog.com/.
I check Dean’s site every day. There’s some small stuff going on over there, though nothing specific to point to. You might check it out at http://deanwesleysmith.com.
Fiction Words: 1285
Nonfiction Words: 350 (Journal)
So total words for the day: 1635
Writing of The Age Exchange (novel, working title)
Brought forward…… 6985
Day 1…… 1285 words. Total words to date…… 8270
Total fiction words for the month……… 1285
Total fiction words for the year………… 39441
Total nonfiction words for the month… 350
Total nonfiction words for the year…… 8370
Total words for the year (fiction and this blog)…… 47811
Calendar Year 2018 Novels to Date………………………… 1
Calenday Year 2018 Novellas to Date…………………… 0
Calendar Year 2018 Short Stories to Date……… 0
Novels (since Oct 19, 2014)………………………………………… 28
Novellas (since Nov 1, 2015)……………………………………… 4
Short stories (since Apr 15, 2014)……………………………… 182