The Novel

In today’s Journal * The Novel * New Goal * The Great Pretender * Of Interest The Novel A very happy Thanksgiving indeed. (grin) The novel wrapped yesterday at 57,535 words after I cut just under 5,000 more words and wrote maybe a hundred words to wrap it. But I thought it would be silly to add more “cuts” to the totals under Numbers and then try to figure out exactly how many new words I wrote to wrap the story, so instead I’m just reporting the final count here. If you’re keeping score, I cut around 14,000 words out … Read more

The Journal: Big Book Giveaway

In today’s Journal * Big Book Giveaway * Of Interest Big Book Giveaway Note: Hey folks, if you’re subscribed to my Substack reader blog as well, you’ll see this post again later today in a slightly different format.Basically the same post, though, same offer. I realize about the dumbest thing an author can do is try to get other writers to read his fiction. (grin) That even holds true when the writers in question consider the author an instructor and something of an authority. Go figure. But that’s fine. Despite all that, now and then I like to give away … Read more