The Journal: If I Could Dictate

In today’s Journal * Quote of the Day * Topic: If I Could Dictate * Today * Of Interest * The Numbers Note: I had this post all ready to go yesterday, but forgot to hit Publish, so here it is today. I’ll publish another one later today (as an experiment) to see whether both of them post at 5 p.m. this afternoon. Quote of the Day “I tend to fly and finish a lot of words… I don’t like to stop.” Diane Darcy, USA Today bestselling romance novelist Topic: If I Could Dictate Diane Darcy brought up an interesting … Read more

The Journal, Monday, September 30

In today’s Journal * Today, I hope * Unfortunately * Of Interest * The Numbers Today I hope to read my novel/novella and recognize what it is. I say “recognize” because this will be a subconscious reading and recognition (or not). Either way, I won’t evoke the conscious mind to “decide” what to do next. Not my job. If you don’t understand the difference, email me and I’ll try to explain further. Awhile back I wrote and published (right here in a series of topics first) what I commonly call The Critical Voice Book: Quiet the Critical Voice (and Write … Read more