In today’s Journal
* A cover reveal and camping along the Gila
* A word about Affinity Publisher
* Daily diary
* Of Interest
* The numbers
Well, to be honest, I was annoying myself with attempting to remember to post a new picture each day. I know, I know. A lot of people read blogs for the pictures.
But this is a blog about writing. So to me, it should focus more on, you know, writing.
That being said, here’s a cover reveal for you. This will be the cover of my previous novel. To see a larger pic, right click and then select Open Link in a New Tab.
However, for those of you who want to see more pictures of the denizens and environs of the Lower Gila Box Wilderness, I did also take an hour this morning to create a new page on the Journal website. It’s called Camping Along the Gila, and it contains twelve pictures I took while I was there recently.
When you visit the page, you can click on any image to see it much larger (half-size of the original). If you’d care to purchase any of the originals (around 4000 x 3000 pixels) we can talk about that too. (grin)
The URL is
Can’t afford a subscription to Adobe Suites? Want something just as good (in my opinion, better) to greatly enhance your ability to design covers, or even lay out your own print books?
I strongly urge you to look at Affinity Publisher. I bought it a week ago (no subscription required), and it’s nothing short of wonderful.
Affinity Publisher does everything Adobe does, PLUS it’s intuitive and user friendly.
To watch a live release announcement and demonstration (only a little over a half-hour), visit
Then, unless you’re insane or stubborn beyond belief, visit to read more about it.
The full paid version costs only $49.99 USD, and at the moment they’re offering it for 20% off.
Just sayin’.
Rolled out early at 1:30. Two hours later, I’d added the new stuff to the Journal website, but I’d done little else.
To the novel or whatever it is (grin) at 3:30 to cycle over what I wrote yesterday. In the new writing, a few things came up that caused me to cycle back to earlier in the book and add some foreshadowing.
Received a much-welcome phone call from a friend and noticed, while we were on the phone, my little girl was wandering around in the desert across the fence. So I rounded her up, finished the conversation, turned off the sprinkler in the yard, and checked my email.
There were several emails, some of which required my attention. Then the farrier pulled up outside to tend to the neighbors’ horses, which of course set off my chihuahua, who sounds remarkably like a rottweiler when he barks.
Checked to see what was going on (and found the farrier), put a plug in the chihuahua, then added to the “Of Interest” section. After that I answered a couple more emails and was headed back to the WIP at 10:15 when I remembered the Affinity live launch was due, so I dropped in there.
Finally back to the WIP at 11 a.m.
Calling the writing day early again to do more publishing work. Soon I have to work on my bicycle too. I want to get it running right again. Maybe I can exercise without putting so much strain on my back.
As it stands, it looks like the WIP will wrap in only two or three thousand more words. At least it will make novella length.
Talk with you again tomorrow.
Of Interest
See “What Happens After You Hit The End?” at Of course, I left an unabashed comment. I’m often not very agashed. (grin)
See Alison Holt’s “Habits” at
See “Can Piracy Save Literature? a Bestselling Author Says Yes” at
See “Should Authors Have More Control over Their Covers?” at I offer a resounding YES!
See “What to Wear At A Gunfight” at
Fiction Words: 2495
Nonfiction Words: 660 (Journal)
Total words for the day: 3155
Writing of Sam Loredo and the Point of No Return (novel? novella? we’ll see)
Day 1…… 2803 words. Total words to date…… 2803
Day 2…… 1035 words. Total words to date…… 3838
Day 3…… 4247 words. Total words to date…… 8085
Day 4…… 2540 words. Total words to date…… 10625
Day 5…… 2495 words. Total words to date…… 13120
Total fiction words for the month……… 40464
Total fiction words for the year………… 346569
Total nonfiction words for the month… 19940
Total nonfiction words for the year…… 175500
Total words for the year (fiction and this blog)…… 522069
Calendar Year 2019 Novels to Date…………………… 7
Calendar Year 2019 Novellas to Date……………… X
Calendar Year 2019 Short Stories to Date… 1
Novels (since Oct 19, 2014)…………………………………… 44
Novellas (since Nov 1, 2015)………………………………… 7
Short stories (since Apr 15, 2014)………………… 194
Short story collections……………………………………………… 31
Love the cover! Very rich looking. And thanks for the link to Affinity. I will check it out. 🙂
Also, great pics! Wow!
Thanks again. If I weren’t a writer (or a storm chaser, my second option) I probably would take pics full time. I love waiting out just the right light.
Thanks, Diane. Once I found the right pics, the whole thing took about five minutes. (grin) I’ve used Serif products for years (that cover was created with Serif PagePlus X6) but Affinity proves to be even more intuitive and precise.