In today’s Journal
* Virtual 5-Week Serial Killer Course
* Of Interest
Hey folks,
I hadn’t planned to post anything today, but this is relatively short notice of what I expect will be an extremely interesting online course, so I wanted to get it out to you. Be forewarned, I’m suggesting that you can learn something about writing from any very accomplished professional writer even if she doesn’t write in your genre. Don’t be genre-phobic.
This online course is delivered by Zoom and presented by true-crime writer Sue Coletta. I can’t imagine a better instructor for this topic or in general, and it’s only $75 for the full 5 weeks! Most instructors would charge $250 or $300 for this course. Or more.
From the instructor: “The school renamed my course ‘Historic Murders in New England’ rather than ‘Serial Killers 101’ because they didn’t want to give the impression I was teaching how to serial kill. … Regardless of the change in title, the course will be much more than listening to me talk about serial killers.”
To read the full course description, visit Sue’s post at and scroll down to “Virtual 5-Week Serial Killer Course.” (The link in today’s “Of Interest” is to the same post.)
I believe this course will be appropriate for fiction writers in most genres even if you aren’t writing specifically about one or more serial killers. Sue is an accomplished professional fiction writer. Even what you stand to learn by osmosis or from the gems Sue inadvertently drops during the course will be worth far more than the asking price.
To register, click
In the interest of full disclosure, although I’m recommending this course, for various reasons I probably will not be attending. Talk with you again soon.
Of Interest
See “Can Graphologists Identify Serial Killers Through Their Handwriting?” at
Disclaimer: In this blog, I provide advice on writing fiction. I advocate a technique called Writing Into the Dark. To be crystal clear, WITD is not “the only way” to write, nor will I ever say it is. However, as I am the only writer who advocates WITD both publicly and regularly, I will continue to do so, among myriad other topics.
Thanks for the plug, Harvey!
You’re very welcome, Sue.