The Journal, Wednesday, December 12

Hey Folks,

I’m a little depressed.

I post regularly here and over on my Pro Writers blog about writing, both Story and Mechanics. I post regular warnings, too, about the endless abyss that is traditional publishing today.

But this little Journal reaches fewer than 100 readers that I know of. Even my “big” Pro Writers blog reaches only several hundred.

Frankly, you who read this Journal have a much better deal. You get a lot more information. That’s why many of the posts on the Pro Writers blog are reprinted topics from the Journal.

Yet every day, as I scour the Internet for items “Of Interest,” I see professional writers lauding the benefits of traditional publishing.

You see those too. Every writer and every would-be writer out there sees them day after day on websites, blogs, and message boards. You see them on social media. They’re everywhere.

Added to that are the untold thousands (or millions) of would-be writers who’ve never published so much as a grocery list. Yet they feel not only qualified but obligated to share advice on writing and publishing.

It boggles the mind. Sometimes it makes me want to hide myself away in a monastery somewhere. If I could find one that would allow me to have my laptop.

Welp, I thought I was finally in the end game of my WIP. By noon, I’d written the final climax and about 2800 words. Now all that’s left is the ending. Feels good.

If you do ever happen to make a donation, please let me know which book or books or series you would like as a thank you (and the format).

I don’t offer these books because I’m the world’s best writer (although I am) but because I make certain assumptions based on my own personality.

For example, when I invest time or money in learning from another writer, I always read some of his or her books. It tells me quickly whether the guy or gal is a Writer who applies what he or she teaches or is just another theoretician.

Natch, I assume those who learn from me would jump at the chance to see whether I have even a clue what I’m talking about. (grin)

If you make a donation but choose not to ask for (or accept) books, I’ll go along, but I won’t pretend to understand.

My bride is due home soon from her short vacation, so I’m going to leave the denoument for tomorrow and finish my WIP then.

Talk with you again soon.

Of Interest

For those who haven’t seen it here, I recommend “The Most Important Advice I Can Give You About Writing (Seriously) at

Via the Passive Voice, see “The (Un)Glamorous World of Publishing Revealed” at

See “Stay Away From Traditional Book Publishing” at I referred to Dean’s post a day or two ago, but I like TPG’s addenda.

For fun (and to be amazed!) see “The Writer Automaton, Switzerland” at This very early computer was built in the 1770s.

Via Linda Adams, see “Scientists Have Created A Star Trek-Like Plane That Flies Using ‘Ion Thrusters’ And No Fuel” at

See “Basically, it’s fun” at

Fiction Words: 2869
Nonfiction Words: 549 (Journal)
So total words for the day: 3418

Writing of Dread (novel, tentative title)

Day 19… 1789 words. Total words to date…… 49021
Day 20… 1030 words. Total words to date…… 50051
Day 21… 1385 words. Total words to date…… 51436
Day 22… 2029 words. Total words to date…… 53465
Day 23… 2869 words. Total words to date…… 56334

Total fiction words for the month……… 22797
Total fiction words for the year………… 481480
Total nonfiction words for the month… 6400
Total nonfiction words for the year…… 178086
Total words for the year (fiction and this blog)…… 659316

Calendar Year 2018 Novels to Date………………………… 9
Calenday Year 2018 Novellas to Date…………………… 3
Calendar Year 2018 Short Stories to Date……… 11
Novels (since Oct 19, 2014)………………………………………… 35
Novellas (since Nov 1, 2015)……………………………………… 7
Short stories (since Apr 15, 2014)……………………… 193
Short story collections…………………………………………………… 31

Note: This Journal and my Pro-Writers blog will always be free and are funded only by your gracious contributions. To make a one-time donation, click the Donate button under the clock at the top of the Journal page. If you’d like to become a patron, click Patronage and have a look at the rewards. If you can’t make a monetary donation, please consider sharing this post with your friends. Thanks!

2 thoughts on “The Journal, Wednesday, December 12”

  1. So, Harvey, I am a fan and have been since meeting you in an SSA conference in 2010,maybe 2011.

    I’ve responded to any number of your posts, always in a positive way because you always make so much sense.

    I’ve never received any response, which is okay with me since you are a very busy person.

    Thanks for keeping doing what you are doing-just be aware that some of us need some reinforcement once in a while.

    • Thanks, Duke. I thought I had responded to each comment you made here. If not, my apology. At any rate, cutting the learning curve and providing reassurance and reinforcement for your writing efforts is a big part of what this Journal is all about. (grin) I’m pretty sure I always respond to any comments I allow through, but I’ll also send this one to you via email.

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